Monday, November 22, 2010

Bed Rest

Well it's been a while since my last post.

We went to the doctor last Monday. They found some things wrong so we did more tests. Come to find out, my weekly progesterone shots that Brian gives me are helping but unfortunately not enough. It seems that my uterus is a little anxious. So, another shot (the second one that week) and some meds to take home, along with bed rest was the ticket. We ended up going to the doctor 3 times last week;( but we are so thankful for such a great doctor and staff. Maybe it's in the name..... Hee hee ( his name is Dr. Nelson)
Anyhow I promised to keep everyone up to date. This week we went back to the doctor today. Unfortunately I am allergic to my meds. So, now new meds and still bed rest were the prescription today. Our Dr. will do more tests on Wed will hopefully tell us why I keep having contractions...
As for now thAts our update. Hope all is well with all of you!


Laurel Baker said...

Wow, Tara, I am sorry you are have such a tough pregnancy! I hope everything gets better soon!! Miss you!

Brianne said...

Hope all is well. Let me know if you need anything.