Monday, January 31, 2011

New Tradition

Brian bought a new fire pit for the very very back yard.  (Remember we have a back yard and then a very back yard!) He wanted to have a fire pit out in the back when we have company and such?  Really???  He has been using it for his dutch oven cooking.  Which I might add is really yummy.  Anyhow.  The boys decided that they were going to start a new tradition this year.  Burning of the tree, Christmas Tree that is.  It took them a while to be able to do it due to the NO BURN DAYS. But of course.  Once it was lifted, they were ready to burn!

I really don't get the excitment with
the fire????

As you can see they were having
a lot of fun???

I guess they started their own dancing
tradition also...

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