Wednesday, February 22, 2012

LDS Prom

Here in AZ they have an LDS Prom.  You must be 16 and abide by the church standards.  Not bad at all for a fun night with all of your friends. 
BUT.... The whole thing is asking in a clever way.  You can't just ask someone.  It has to be clever and good....
Unfortunately I did not get pictures of Vincent asking a young lady in our Stake.  He baked a cake, placed a message in the middle:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Shania my Friend, I would like to go to Prom with you.
With chocolate frosting on top of the lemon cake we delivered it to her house.  It was a lot of fun. 

A couple days later Vincent and I were getting ready to head off for a bike ride and Shania and her mom pulled up.  It was the best "Special Delivery" ever.  A peperoni pizza with the peperoni spelling out YES. 
Needless to say, there will be another post with pictures of Prom night. 


Peggy said...

It is not possible that Vincent is 16 already. What a cute way to ask for Prom! And good for him going to the Mormon Prom. He'll have a MUCH better time! We miss you!! When am I going to meet Amanda?

Sassy said...

How sweet! I love that they actually put effort and creativity (and yummy food!) into it.