Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Every Type of Device

Most of you know I am not a great cook.  I do what I can to get us by.  We eat well, but I really do not have any pizzaz or kick to my cooking.  I never go out of the lines so to speak.  I am so incredibly blessed that Brian usually does the cooking on the weekends.  It's probably not fair since he works 12 hour days all week.  But I am not going to complain. 
A couple weekends ago I couldn't help but notice he was using every single type of device to cook with that he could.  I thought it was rather interesting.  He was having so much fun.

It's difficult to tell but he is using the Rotisserie for the

Using the "grilling basket" on the BBQ, Southwestern

On the patio using the fire pit for some Dutch Oven cooking

Strawberry cake made with the Dutch Oven. 

I will admit I forgot to get pictures of the stove and the oven being used.  It was such an eventful evening.  None of us could get enough of the strawberry cake.... YUMMY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have quite the domestic hubby Tara. How blessed are we "twins" to have found such skilled and awesome men?!! ; )