Monday, February 21, 2011

Scouting for Food

Some of you may remember a while back when I told you of my calling as the Committee Chairman for the Boy Scouts in our Ward.  I will admit.  I often times wonder why I ever received this calling?  But..... as I went to the District meeting on Tuesday February 2 and was told in a very nice way that my Ward/Scouts do not participate in a lot of the extra mile Scouting events.  I decided fine..... I don't care if I am 71/2 months pregnant I was going to make sure we collected food. 

Luckily some of the boys had the following day off of school.  So, in the 32 degree weather (sorry I think that is just so darn cold) the 5 boys started knocking on doors and leaving bags on doors in hopes that people would fill them for their return and pick up on the following Saturday. 

I am not sure how many of you have had the chance to just sit and watch teenage boys.  It's actually really interesting and delightful.  To watch the older boys guide the younger boys.  All in their uniforms running from house to house. 

Saturday morning came and so did the car full of Boy Scouts.  They were all excited and naturally being competitive on who was going to get the most bags.... Saddened, we went through a whole street and not one person donated.  Hopes were quite crushed..... As I am praying in my car that someone will please either answer or leave a bag full of goodies for these Scouts.  One of them yelled at the top of their lungs "Here is the Mother Load" I couldn't help but laugh.  The joy these boys had running from house to house explaining why they were back collecting food for the food bank with such enthusiasm just made me smile. 

For Troop 625 this was their first time embracing Scouting for Food.  I will say these boys ROCKED it!  They managed to fill the back of my SUV and a large container all themselves. 

Way to go boys!!!!!!!

Now that's a lot of food.

The bin that started out empty when
the boys pulled up.

Deer Valley Troop 625 at the St.
Mary's Food Bank! So proud they
filled that bin. :)

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