Sunday night, April 3rd it all started with some friends coming over to assist Brian with a blessing for me. (Shout out to The Woods who had spent 8 hours in the car that day and snow boarded the day before) At 8:00pm I had received my blessing and we were ready to head off the Hospital. I was anxious, nervous but oh soooo excited to not be pregnant anymore. Vincent along with one of our neighbors had spent the previous three weeks walking at least 2-4 miles a night with me to help our little one join us. It wasn't working. She was too comfortable where she was. We couldn't believe it. After all of those months of having to make her stay put; she wasn't going to come out now that it was time.
We started the night with a 12 hour balloon procedure. The next morning still nothing.... Finally after another procedure at 2:28 Tuesday morning we met our Amanda Lee Nelson.
(there are a lot of pictures)
Yes, stand back I was THAT big
Nicole always giving belly luv
Brian had to capture the moment after the lady told me
"oh Online registration doesn't really help with anything,
we need to ask you all the questions now that you are here"
REALLY????? ( I was a tad bit anxious)
Amanda Lee Nelson 4-5-2011 2:28am 7lbs 19.5in
Dr. Nelson
Big Brother :)
The hand off
Nicole.... I think she was just as happy as we were.