"Brother and Sister Nelson could we have a minute with you after church?" Those are the first words we heard right after Sacrament Meeting today. For those of you that are members of the Church know what that means...... Let me explain. Being a member of the Church you know that if you ever hear that sentence you;
1. Leave, RUN find the closest, nearest exit and your family can find a ride home.
2. You suddenly came down with the Flu and won't be able to make it.
3. Well, I am still Sister Diaz right, and Brian isn't technically "Brother Nelson" so you ignore it knowing that they really weren't looking you in the eye smiling waiting for a confirmation.
For those of you that are not aware of LDS lingo.... First of all if you are not a member of the Church, you are not likely to be called into the Bishops office or by one of the Bishopric Members into a meeting asking you to serve in a Calling to serve in the Ward(Congregation). Oh!!!!! let me tell you now, this is NOT true. Brian, who is on his 3rd discussion, 2 weeks today of not smoking (attends church regularly, fasts, pays his fasto offerings) has been jointly called with me by the Bishopric to serve as the Board Members of the BoyScouts in the Ward and Stake representatives....... So, if you, along with us we both thought that a Non-Member would never be called to Serve..... We were wrong..... We both are looking forward to this calling and everything that comes along with it :) hee hee We are so lost it's not even funny. Our first meeting is this Tuesday. We'll keep you posted. (feel free to pray for us :)
On a side note....... The picture above is another grasp of something we thought would never happen...... On Friday we woke up and saw the tree down in the middle of the parking lot barely missing my car. Poor Brian was so incredibly bummed out that the tree had missed the car. He was hoping to cash in on our GAP insurance for the car. "|:( Oh well..... (he truly does not have the same feelings about my car as I do)
We hope you all have a wonderful Sunday relaxing and a wonderful, exciting week.