With summer already half way over and blazing hot in Arizona we decided that we would head over to Florida. This was our first time traveling as a family. Yup.... That's right. All four of us on two long, flights. We started our day at 300 am. Thanks to our neighbor Will whom, bless his heart was willing to drive us to the airport on his way to work. Yes..... People do get up that early on a regular basis. :(
After 8 hours of traveling we arrived in Ft. Lauderdale and had about a 45 min drive ahead of us. Finally we arrived to our destination. We were so excited. Both kids were awesome travelers.
Other than mesquito bites and the humidity. It was such a wonderful family vacation. We had so much fun. Be prepared to scroll... There are a lot of pictures.
Vincent learning how to be 1st Mate.
Deep Sea fishing with Grandpa Bob and
Brian... hmmm I guess they weren't bitting.
Grandma and Grandpa's view. It had just rained. Was
so beautiful.
Miss Amanda so tired from her swim
Even though Vincent was on vacation he still cleaned
grandma and grandpa's pool.... (what a good kid!)
Thanks to Auntie Trina, Amanda was
all covered up from the sun while we were there
Amanda was so funny swimming with Grandma Linda and I.
She was actually trying to blow bubbles in the water.
The last night Grandma and Grandpa have a tradition of having
lobster for dinner. Brian and Vincent had so much fun helping.
It was such a feast. Beyond delicious.
We flew home on July 4th.
We had such an awesome vacation. A HUGE Thank you to Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob for letting us stay with them. Deep sea fishing, swimming, pedicures, AMAZING food, shopping, lots and lots of games of Rumi Cube and the best of all.... Spending time with family.
We LUV you Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob. Thank you for our first amazing family vacation.