Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pioneer Children Sang as they walked.......

We as parents think that Vincent had an incredibly awesome summer..... Here is just one more thing he had the experience of doing this summer.  They (the Stake) reinacted the Pioneer Trek this July. 
Deer Valley 1st Ward Pioneers 5am and ready to go!


This is the only picture I have of Vincent on the actual Trek.... I don't have one of him pulling the hand cart or anything like that.  He did tell us that this picture was taken after a long hike and a much needed rest.  I can't say that I would enjoy walking 13 miles in the clothes or conditions they reinacted.  But...... I am sure grateful for the Pioneers that did.  The trials and struggles they went through seem pretty easy compared to our lives today. 


On August 6th, 2011 the four of us were sealed together as a family forever.  We were sealed in the Mesa Arizona Temple.  Words can not express the joy and feeling that was with us that day.  Brian had only been out of the hospital for a day.  Friends and family came from afar and close.  Just thinking about it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.  Such a beautiful day.  Thank you for those of you that made it possible. 

Such a great day to have both of the children sealed
to us.

Our escorts Chase and Nicole

Always after a Temple trip you HAVE to eat at Cafe
Rio.... Thank you to everyone whom decided to punch
their punch card and pass through the line and let us use
all of the punches for our dinner.  It was soooo sweet
of everyone.

Aunt Leona and Uncle Brian from Ocean Side, CA

(on the right) Jim and Shirley Brock.... aka THE Brock
Flock originators....... (from SLC, UT)

The Marhts and Davis'

Bishop Case with an impressive empty tin and wife
Camille along with Chase and Nicole Woods.

The Olsens :)  Ron Newell, Stacy Newells hand and
Shari Crispen

The Alamoudi's
Not pictured would be the Jordans and the Marbles...

Thank you to everyone for making our day even more special to us.  We will never forget it. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

And the Diagnosis is........ MS

Yes, the title of this post is correct.  Our family, Brian has been diagnosed with Mutiple Sclerosis.  It is harder to write or type than to say.  On July 28, 2011 The Nelson's lives took a little detour.  Brian was admitted to the Barrow Neurology Center at St. Joseph's Hospital here in Phoenix.  What we thought was over an over night stay was an invitation to take up residency for a week.  We spent 3 days in ICU and the rest on the floor.  Brian had an amazing staff of Nurses, Doctors, Physical Therapists.... You name it.. They really did take care of him.  After a whole week of not so great cafeteria food....(I did sneak in some McDonalds for him once) 7 MRI's of the brain and back area, Steriods, Lots of blood work and another Spinal Tap the Doctors sent him home.  It has been confirmed that he has been diagnosed with MS. 
We are taking it day to day.  It has been a month since we left the hospital.  Brian started treatment this week.  He injects himself with a shot every morning.  So far so good..... He is able to sleep through the night and manage through the day.  We are waiting to see the Neurologist on the 6th of September and have another MRI to view the status of his lesions.  Meanwhile, he is (along with us) are enjoying having him at home with us.  He has become quite the chef..... (another post to follow with all of his creations)
An enourmous Thank you with a lot of luv to those of you whom watched and took care of our children, send us text messages... and for your thoughts and prayers.  Words can not say enough or express enough  of our luv to you.  We are eternally grateful for you and everything you have done for us. 

First night in ICU......

The kids were able to visit.... Thank you to Steve,
Brian's nurse....

Brian was so excited to be released from ICU onto the
floor.... he shaved.  I came back from getting my breakfast
to a new man... (I had never seen him with out a goattee)

Hey.... AZ doesn't look so bad from the 5th floor. 
I had a great view on my side of the room.  :)

Play time. As you can see.  He was so tired of wearing
the Smock/Gown he told the nurses he would be wearing
his own clothes for the rest of his visit.

Our most favorite part of the visit.... Other than getting in
car. :) 

Thank you to all of you who brought dinners, gave blessings, took care of our children, came to visit, gave us advice and encouragement, sent flowers and balloons, we luv you all.....
This is just the beginning of The Nelson's new journey!

Arizona Storm

Literally within minutes this is how our storms roll in

Gotta luv the dust storms

End with a little bit a rain.  Just enough to leave those little dirt marks on your car

Green is so beautiful

Our "middle" back yard has grass now.... We have lived in this house for a little over a year.  Remember back in May Brian and Vincent planted.  Before that they spent many weekends trying to prepare the back yard for grass.  It is amazing....

The only item in our back yard... A rotted old lime tree.

waiting and waiting

yeah.... It worked!

I LUV looking out my kitchen now.  It's amazing how the view of nice green grass is so therapuetic to me.  It was a lot of hard work.... But oh so very worth it. 

Family Vacation

With summer already half way over and blazing hot in Arizona we decided that we would head over to Florida.  This was our first time traveling as a family.  Yup.... That's right.  All four of us on two long,  flights. We started our day at 300 am.  Thanks to our neighbor Will whom, bless his heart was willing to drive us to the airport on his way to work.  Yes..... People do get up that early on a regular basis.  :(
After 8 hours of traveling we arrived in Ft. Lauderdale and had about a 45 min drive ahead of us.  Finally we arrived to our destination.  We were so excited.  Both kids were awesome travelers. 
Other than mesquito bites and the humidity.  It was such a wonderful family vacation.  We had so much fun.   Be prepared to scroll... There are a lot of pictures. 

Vincent learning how to be 1st Mate.

Deep Sea fishing with Grandpa Bob and
Brian... hmmm I guess they weren't bitting.

Grandma and Grandpa's view.  It had just rained. Was
so beautiful.

Miss Amanda so tired from her swim

Even though Vincent was on vacation he still cleaned
grandma and grandpa's pool.... (what a good kid!)

Thanks to Auntie Trina, Amanda was
all covered up from the sun while we were there

Amanda was so funny swimming with Grandma Linda and I.
She was actually trying to blow bubbles in the water. 

The last night Grandma and Grandpa have a tradition of having
lobster for dinner.  Brian and Vincent had so much fun helping.

It was such a feast.  Beyond delicious. 

We flew home on July 4th. 

We had such an awesome vacation.  A HUGE Thank you to Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob for letting us stay with them.  Deep sea fishing, swimming, pedicures, AMAZING food, shopping, lots and lots of games of Rumi Cube and the best of all.... Spending time with family. 
We LUV you Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob.  Thank you for our first amazing family vacation.