A couple years ago my brother's life changed quite dramatically. Being that we are pretty much 10 years apart I often tend to be more motherly than sisterly. A while ago he expressed to me how much time Scouting takes. He is a Pack Leader in Santa Barbara for a webelos troop. If any of you knew my little brother when he was young, he LUVD Scouting. Or so I thought. But let's face it. He is now, newly married, running his own window washing business and 27. What 27 year old wants to dedicate their lives to a bunch of 9-12 year olds. Yes. I know I make it sound bad. But really; sometimes it gets a little exhausting. Where was I going with this?
I was sewing Vincent's Merit Badges onto his sash for Court of Honor a couple of weeks ago. I thought that they had to be in a specific order. I referred to the Boy Scout Handbook. Which lead me to my little brother. On page 5 you will see a young Scout crossing over, receiving his Arrow of Light and becoming a Boy Scout. That, is MY little brother.
The next day I was at the Scout Office and found my little brother again..... In the Den Chief handbook.
Again, where am I going with this? I am actually not sure. It makes me so proud to see him there even though I know he really had no idea it would still be published with him in the books today. I just wanted to say to my little brother how proud I am of him and all of his accomplishments. He truly is a great example to our son and supports his nephew 100%. He has come along way from being the little boy in the pictures below. It makes me a proud big sister to know that I am doing something along side with him.
Matty Matt! I LUV you.... and yes, I am STILL TALKING!