Monday, February 21, 2011

My little Brother Makes me Smile

I know that I have blogged about my calling in Scouts a lot.  But this time it's a different manner.  For some reason I feel so overwhelmed to share my luv for my little brother.  Yes, most of you know, he is not so little anymore.  He is now, let me think?  I am 37 so that makes him 27 or 28? 

A couple years ago my brother's life changed quite dramatically.  Being that we are pretty much 10 years apart I often tend to be more motherly than sisterly.  A while ago he expressed to me how much time Scouting takes.  He is a Pack Leader in Santa Barbara for a webelos troop.  If any of you knew my little brother when he was young, he LUVD Scouting.  Or so I thought.  But let's face it.  He is now, newly married, running his own window washing business and 27.  What 27 year old wants to dedicate their lives to a bunch of 9-12 year olds.  Yes. I know I make it sound bad.  But really; sometimes it gets a little exhausting.  Where was I going with this? 

I was sewing Vincent's Merit Badges onto his sash for Court of Honor a couple of weeks ago.  I thought that they had to be in a specific order.  I referred to the Boy Scout Handbook.  Which lead me to my little brother.  On page 5 you will see a young Scout crossing over, receiving his Arrow of Light and becoming a Boy Scout.  That, is MY little brother. 
The next day I was at the Scout Office and found my little brother again..... In the Den Chief handbook.
Again, where am I going with this?  I am actually not sure. It makes me so proud to see him there even though I know he really had no idea it would still be published with him in the books today. I just wanted to say to my little brother how proud I am of him and all of his accomplishments.  He truly is a great example to our son and supports his nephew 100%.  He has come along way from being the little boy in the pictures below.  It makes me a proud big sister to know that I am doing something along side with him. 

Matty Matt!  I LUV you.... and yes, I am STILL TALKING!

Finally the Middle Yard!

Some of you may remember during the summer when Brian, Vincent and whom ever they could round up to help moved all of the rock from the front yard to the very very back yard.  I described how we have a front, middle, and very back yard. 
The time has come..... The time that Brian was so incredibly excited to wake up early on a Saturday morning (he still works until midnight and doesn't wind down until 1:30am) before me! That is extremeley rare.  Vincent and I had made a run for breakfast before we had to be off doing our own thing Scouting for Food. 
I know that seeing pictures of a yard being worked on isn't all that exciting.... But, when you have waited more than 6 months to start this process, it is truly exciting.  I also promised family members that I would blog about it.  :)

This is how Brian started the day.  The tractor moved the
rest of the rock that the boys could not find the time
to move.  Let's say it took all of 20 minutes with the

I actually liked this tree.  The wonderful freeze we had
the month before killed the poor thing.

The tractor made it look so easy to grade and move
all of the extra dirt to the middle yard.

FINALLY! no more flooding everytime it rains. 

aaaahhhh.... It looks so much better. 

Little Payson playing while she can before the sprinklers
and grass are put in.
Brian's favorite part of the yard.  His RV/Boat parking.

Such a better view.  No more dead cactus, tree or
horrible uneven yard full of 3 different rock types.
Now...... The rest of the improvements.  Brian plans on placing a sprinkler system in the middle yard that will run to the front and very back yard.  After that large task he will then plant seed in the middle yard.  Hopefully in a couple months we will have grass.  The very back yard will be filled with all of the rock and Brian's firepit.  The front yard?  Well unfortunately that will have to look groomed for now.  Rock is pretty pricey and we have found that being on the corner, we have a pretty large lot. 
I can't wait for grass :)

Scouting for Food

Some of you may remember a while back when I told you of my calling as the Committee Chairman for the Boy Scouts in our Ward.  I will admit.  I often times wonder why I ever received this calling?  But..... as I went to the District meeting on Tuesday February 2 and was told in a very nice way that my Ward/Scouts do not participate in a lot of the extra mile Scouting events.  I decided fine..... I don't care if I am 71/2 months pregnant I was going to make sure we collected food. 

Luckily some of the boys had the following day off of school.  So, in the 32 degree weather (sorry I think that is just so darn cold) the 5 boys started knocking on doors and leaving bags on doors in hopes that people would fill them for their return and pick up on the following Saturday. 

I am not sure how many of you have had the chance to just sit and watch teenage boys.  It's actually really interesting and delightful.  To watch the older boys guide the younger boys.  All in their uniforms running from house to house. 

Saturday morning came and so did the car full of Boy Scouts.  They were all excited and naturally being competitive on who was going to get the most bags.... Saddened, we went through a whole street and not one person donated.  Hopes were quite crushed..... As I am praying in my car that someone will please either answer or leave a bag full of goodies for these Scouts.  One of them yelled at the top of their lungs "Here is the Mother Load" I couldn't help but laugh.  The joy these boys had running from house to house explaining why they were back collecting food for the food bank with such enthusiasm just made me smile. 

For Troop 625 this was their first time embracing Scouting for Food.  I will say these boys ROCKED it!  They managed to fill the back of my SUV and a large container all themselves. 

Way to go boys!!!!!!!

Now that's a lot of food.

The bin that started out empty when
the boys pulled up.

Deer Valley Troop 625 at the St.
Mary's Food Bank! So proud they
filled that bin. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Every Type of Device

Most of you know I am not a great cook.  I do what I can to get us by.  We eat well, but I really do not have any pizzaz or kick to my cooking.  I never go out of the lines so to speak.  I am so incredibly blessed that Brian usually does the cooking on the weekends.  It's probably not fair since he works 12 hour days all week.  But I am not going to complain. 
A couple weekends ago I couldn't help but notice he was using every single type of device to cook with that he could.  I thought it was rather interesting.  He was having so much fun.

It's difficult to tell but he is using the Rotisserie for the

Using the "grilling basket" on the BBQ, Southwestern

On the patio using the fire pit for some Dutch Oven cooking

Strawberry cake made with the Dutch Oven. 

I will admit I forgot to get pictures of the stove and the oven being used.  It was such an eventful evening.  None of us could get enough of the strawberry cake.... YUMMY!

Brian Domesticated

I never really thought I would see the day that my husband would not only let me tell him what to do step by step..... But that he would do it... J/K We do work well as a team.  Brian told me while I was buying fabric to make a quilt that he would like to make a blanket himself.  I asked, "well, do you mean you kind of help or you want to make the whole thing?"  He wanted to make a baby blanket for his neice that was on the way.  We picked out the fabric.  Mind you, it was a long, very, very long process....... The lady left the counter she was waiting so long.  Brian decided on the fabric and we were off!  I must say.  For his first blanket.  I think he did a really great job.  He spent a lot of time trying to make every section perfect. 

It's hard to see.... But the final product.
He did a great job making a tie blanket
for his neice.