Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our First Date Night

A very dear friend of mine is making her way in the music industry.  She already has four albums, performs house concerts and small venue concerts all around the States and is now on Pandora.  I have know her since I was just 16 so you can imagine how thrilled I was to know she was in the Valley.  Brian and I packed the diaper bag (Vincent still tired from surgery the day before) and got ready to head out for our first concert/date night. I wish I had pictures of the view of the Valley that night and of us.. It's so much fun to finally get dressed up and have somewhere to go.  But honestly I was just so excited to see Sarah and hear, watch her play I didn't pay attention to really anything else. 
It was a wonderful evening and I thank my husband for driving me all the way across the Valley for a concert. 
I am so proud and honored to know Sarah Sample.  She has been playing her quitar since she really was just a kid.  It is mesmorizing to watch someone with such passion and talent as she does. 

Thank you Sarah Sample for my first date night since our baby girl.  You made the night oh that much more special.  LUV YOU!

Sarah Sample
Sarah Sample

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