Sunday, July 24, 2011

A weekend of fun....

In June my brother Matthew and Sister in Law Erica drove out from Santa Barbara to visit us for the weekend.  We had so much fun.  It was so nice to have family here with us.  Nonetheless my brother and SIL.  They are soooo much fun.  We spent time in the pool, BBQ'd, played games, did some shopping, (that was fun, I got to show my SIL my FAV store)went bowling and best of all lounged around and completely enjoyed each others company.  We were sad to see them go and miss them oh sooo much...

Auntie Erica holding Amanda

Daddy and Amanda for her 1st swim

Auntie Erica (Unlce Matt's hand in the Doritos!)

Amanda tired after her swim

Dinner at Red Robin (no longer in SB)

Uncle Matthew

Auntie Erica rocking Amanda
to sleep. Which she is really,
really good at.

Bath time.

Fondue night.... It was so much fun....

Remember I am going to school..... Matthew was such
a champ and let me practice on him before they left. 



We decided that we were going to send Vincent to EFY this year.  For those of you that don't know, EFY is a week long camp with youth ages 14-18 that are LDS.  It is called Especially For Youth for a reason.  They do learn, grow and most of all have fun with other youth their age from all around the world. 
On June 13 (Monday) Vincent carpooled with other youth in our Stake to NAU (Northern Arizona University) very reluctantly.  He was NOT a happy young man.  He really did think that we as parents were trying to torture him and most of all make his life miserable.  I mean really, what young man wants to stay home and go to work every morning (starts at 5:30am) rather than camp all week?  Vincent came home Saturday morning with this to say "Mom, don't take this wrong, but I wish I was still there. It was beyond amazing!" hhhhmmmmmm it's a darn good thing he gave me a hug first isn't it!  Needless to say. We will be saving for next year....
Not even away from mom for an hour and already
has caffeine......

2nd Annual Triathlon

Last June I completed my 1st Triathlon and LUVD it!  So, even though June was only two months after having Amanda I was still going to do my best and accomplish the Payson, AZ Sprint Triathlon.  As soon as the DR.said I was ready I started training with Vincent.  We even purchased a jogger for me.... LUV it... such a neccessity.  Anyhow.... We decided that we were going to do this as a family.
Needless to say it did not go over well; for Brian or myself.  For Vincent however.... after a flat tire, a chain that refused to be fixed, walking back to the transition station half hour later did rather well.  I decided to unload two months of emotion and hormones after two laps of swimming. That was the end of my moment.... Brian did the swim well, started the bike ride; mean while Vincent lapped Brian during the bike ride.  Brian decided that during the bike protion he was just too out of shape. (poor guy didn't get a chance to train and his darn back was killing him)After such a fun day with our friends Brian and watched Vincent complete his first Sprint Triathlon (he has only done Super/Mini Sprint Triathlons). We were so proud that he completed the Triathlon after going through all of his trials.... With a great time of 2:32.

Vincent finishing strong Payson, AZ Sprint
Triathlon June 11, 2011

Boy Scout High Adventure

Do you remember a while back (February) when I posted about our awesome fundraiser we held for the Boy Scout Troop in our Ward?  Well.  I am happy to say here is a summary of their amazing High Adventure Boy Scout Trip. A special Thank you to Clayton for creating this small film. It looks to me like it was well worth the fundraising!