Thursday, September 12, 2013

Another Recap of 2013

WOW!!!!!! Where has the time gone??? The last few months have been a little crazy. We put our house in Arizona on the market, sold it in June. Rented our neighbors house from middle of June to end of July. Amanda and I got the house ready to move (what was left after the first move) picked up the UHUAL & trailer and waited patiently for the loaders to show up. I will admit, it was pretty scary yet liberating driving that beast!
Meanwhile Brian was deepSea fishing in FL and Vincent had left in June. Sounds like Amanda and I were punked? Actually no. Brian's Farther's Day present was a trip to FL and spend a week with his parents and do a little deepSea fishing.  Meanwhile, we had packed up Vincent's car backed in June. He, not by my wishes drove by himself to Utah. He spent a week there and then drove himself to Lompoc. (54 miles North of Santa Barbara) Then he was off for a week of camping in Yosemite with the Youth in our new ward!
Okay, so not to drag this out any longer. We had an amazing send off party by our friends. Made it to Lompoc after a long LONG Long drive. Unloaded that day, mind you with the windows open! 
We have had do many things happen, Brian has been in the hospital a couple times, Vincent has a tough schedule his first semester of his Senior year and Amanda is enjoying all her cousins. 
We miss so many of our friends in AZ. 
This move has been wonderful for our family. Brian has lost weight and is able to function in this weather AND purchased another RV! Vincent is enjoying our new ward and so happy to be a Senior. Amanda, getting ready for potty training and heading to preschool. Mama, I have decided to go back to work as Amanda is heading to Preschool 1/2 day. 
Hopefully I will be better at my blog posts!!!! 
And he is off! Vincent would not let me take any other pics.... Sad face

That's right!!!!that thing is HUGE and has a trailer! 💪

Morning walks are the BEST!

Thank you to everyone with unloading the UHUAL, our party in AZ and most of all your LUV and friendship. 

❤ This post is for you Lacy Bennett❤


Lacy_joy said...

I just adore you and your awesome fam. Keep us updates:) miss you!

LStinson said...

We are so glad that you are with family again. FAMILY is 100% the best!