Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stake Conference....... Deer Valley

So?  Do you remember when I said that we almost got out of town before the Stake President called?  Well; this now is the time.  The Stake President asked Brian whom was just baptized two weeks ago to speak in Stake Conference.  For those of you that do not know what Stake Conference is.... It is when ALL of the Wards in the Stake (several Wards in an area make up a Stake) meet at one building for two hours.  We have speakers and muscial numbers for the whole two hours.  So pretty much about 1500 people will meet in the building together or watch via broadcast. 
After the first hour of wonderful speakers it was time for Brian.  I would have to say that Brian gave a most heart warming felt talk about his conversation to being LDS.  He spoke for about 10 minutes.  At some points had people laughing out loud.... Thank you at my expense and at some points some people who felt the spirit had some tears. 
Its not an everyday thing to speak in Stake Conference.... We we honored as a family and felt so luvd that Brian was able to share his story and our families story with so many people.  He did such an amazing job. 

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