Monday, July 26, 2010

Oceanside Aaron & Kaylee's Reception

Saturday was a busy day.  I decided to go to the Temple with some girlfriends early Saturday morning.  I have to say, it is such a way to start the day and weekend.  I am so blessed to have friends who will wake up and be ready at 6am on a Saturday morning. 
After a wonderful time at the Temple and stopping for snacks I was on my way to Oceanside, CA for my cousins Wedding Reception. 
And I know you are wondering why I am saying just I was on my way.  Well, Brian, Vincent and Jacob along with the DV 1st Ward Youngmen left by 5:45am to float down the Salt River on a Treasure Hunt.  With that being said.  I was the only one able to go to the Reception.  Brian, being the Wonderful husband that worries way too much made me take a friend. 
So, snacks, cds, Ipods, and a google map in hand we headed off to Oceanside.  Well, after hours and hours in the car and taking the scenic route (Thanks google maps!  so not a fan) We finally reached our destination.  I LUV my family.  There is something to be said about the fact that I really only get to see them a couple times a year but the LUV I feel for and from them is overwhelming.  Instantly I was jealous of not only the weather but the fact that my Aunt Leona can have beautiful Agapanthus growing abunduntly in her front yard and mine died two hours after I planted them..... Gotta luv the Arizona heat.  I wanted so much to have flowers my Grandpa had in his nursey when I young.  Oh well.... There is always the winter.  :)  My friend Stacy and I instantly changed, refreshed ourselves and started helping with the Reception decorations and okay a little bit with the food preparation.  (yeah the "food tasting" was the best part). 
The weather was beautiful and so incredibly comfortable.  It was such a nice change from Phoenix for a day.  The food was so WAY too yummy.  I really did eat WAY too much.  I thought it was great that I was sitting next to Matt Stinson and pretty much using him as an excuse to go back and get more food.  It's always socialbly more acceptable for a guy to eat way more than a lady in a dress.  Wow!  I think I went back to refill my plate about 5 times.  Hence the reason I will be getting on my bike tomorrow morning for at least an hour ride.  
 After a 5.5 hour drive there and a almost 5 hour stay Stacy and decided to get back on the road to the most desirable weather in Phoenix.  NOT! It was probably time to leave since I had already bugged the crap out of my cousin Celine and telling all of the guests that her and Cameron were going to name their baby girl after me.... Ha.... Ha.. Ha.. I really was J/K.  I would have to say that the road trip was so much fun.  My neck hurt the next morning from laughing so hard.  I miss my family already and can't wait to see them again. 

Thank you AAron & Kaylee and Congratulations.....

This was Stacy's first time seeing the large bridge on the way to SD

These are my Aunt's beautiful Agapanthas that I so want and desire to have in my front yard.  Forgive me for being lame and not knowing how to rotate a picture.  I guess just tilt your head to the left?

Again. Tilt your head.  Just so pretty.

My Mom and Mike
I guess Stacy just had to take that pic?

My Cousins, Cameron and Celine.  Is she just not so beautiful ?  I would luv to look like her when pregnant.  My cousin Cameron is pretty cute too. 

This really is a wonderful quote.  Again.... Rotate head.

a Red-do pic with Mom

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Stinson.  Such a pretty couple. 

I was excited and had put my story in detail.  Thank you so much for this in detail pic!

If you ever visit my Aunt and Uncle.  Be sure to not ask for an egg carton.  Be sure to ask for the fresh eggs (large large chicken coup) that go in the egg carton.......  LUV you Uncle Brian.....

Thank you so much Aaron and Kaylee.  It was such a wonderful day.  Thank you to my family who made Stacy feel right at home and to all of the wonderful helpers that put on such a lovely reception. 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord

On Wednesday, July 21, 2010 The Nelson Family entered the Arizona Mesa Temple.  It was such a special day for us.  Our old Home Teacher drove us all across to the East Valley about 35 minutes away.  Jacob, Brian, Vincent, Myself and Ikiaka all headed to the Temple.  I would have to say the conversation on the way  there was not exactly what I would have had.  But I guess you get what you get when you have two grown men and two teenagers in the car. 
As I said we were able to take Jacob with us.  Our Bishop called and spoke with our Old Bishop whom was so incredibly wonderful and called the Mesa Temple Recorder that morning so Jacob could attend with us. 
I am not sure if the feeling starts the moment you are on your way, or when you stand on Temple grounds and are amazed at the beautiful landscaping with every single flower, bush, plant in a perfected form or when you walk into the Temple and just know and feel beyond calming. 
It was such an amazing day.  Brian and Jacob were so thrilled that we were there with them for their first time in the Temple.  I haven't been since I was 12.  I can say that we all had such an amazing experience beyond words to describe.  I know that my Heavenly Father was there with us and we are so blessed as a family to be able to have that experience together.  I can't wait until we go back.  I can promise that it will be soon. 

Arrival from Santa Barbara

Saturday morning July 17th was a busy morning for us.  I had training to do which meant another 15 mile ride and a 3 mile run.  Following an arrival of our nephew Jacob at the the Phoenix Airport.  YEAH!!!!! Let the Summer begin!  Vincent was so incredibly excited along with Brian and I.  Unfortunatley we had a little trouble getting back home... We live in North West Phoenix area.  I think that I have been downtown Phoenix maybe 3 times in the 7 months that we have lived here.  After 25 minutes of us figuring out the 3 Freeway systems we were finally on our way back home.  I had forgottent that Brian and I had signed up for the Stake Blood Drive that morning also.  Which was all the way on the other side of the Valley. (fatther than our house)  We picked Jacob up at 8:50 and raced over the Valley to be at our 9:30 appointments.  After sitting in the chair for 45 minutes becuase I apparently have "Great Veins" to give "Power Red".  Let me tell you aobut Red Power.  They take your blood but not only 1 pint they take 2 pints and it sure takes a L - O - N - G time.....
We ended up in the pool right after we were done.  I am happy to say we relaxed the rest of the day around the pool.  But what a FUN day.

The Nelson Family adds another!!!!

It's funny.... Most Saturdays my husband complains (of course in a MOST luving way) that we have so much to do.  That we don't just hang around.  Welllllllllll.  Hhhhhmmmmm.  On the 10th Vincent had to work which left Brian and I to "hang out".  I had already done my weekly trips to WalMart, Fry's, Costco, and Safeway so that really left us time.  With my workout already behind me we decided to take Raven and Payson (remember our Rotweiler and Chihuaha Ter mix) to PetCo. Call us crazy.  I guess since our oldest child was already gone we decided to take the other two out with us for the day.  We started the field trip day with a tour or adventure to PetCo followed by lunch with all four of us at Chipotle.  I forgot to tell you a tad bit a information.  While on our adventure at PetCo.  Brian fell in luv with the dogs that were there from the Shelter needing to be adopted.  He couldn't get it out of his mind that Vincent tries every night to get one of our dogs to sleep in his room. (they are partial to our room) We ended up "hanging out" at the Shelter in Phoenix.  Wow!  There are a lot of dogs/cats that are in need of adoption.  It's rather sad when you think of it.  Brian was determined to go home with a little buddy for our Lil Man.  After what seemed like hanging out for the whole entire day at the Shelter Brian decided on (along with our other two) on a Austrailian Sheppard puppy.  He is only 3 months old and is sooo incredibly soft.  We beat Lil Man home that day.  Brian was so happy (it was kind of like Christmas Morning for him) and set up Vincents room iwth all the new dog accessories.  Our house is NOT quiet now.  Nor is it as easy to keep clean.  Wow.... They are like babies or toddlers for that matter and are into EVERYTHING..... Rather embarrassing having your chonies dragged out by one of the little puppies into the living Room........ Not exactly something you want everyone to see.  Needless to say.  Lil Man was so incredibly happy and is so in luv with his new little puppy.  Rex The Wonder Dog!  Yuip.  That's what he named him. 

Rex The Wonder Dog.  Home and apparently exhausted.

Brian in the kitchen

Well not our kitchen.... Ha.  Ha.  Ha.  But nonetheless.  A kitchen and it was much larger than ours.  Our Activities Committee Chairman had asked Brian if he would help with the Pancake Breakfast at the Meeting House for the 4th of July. All of the Volunteers met at the Meeting house at 7:45am.  Me not so much.... I was actually headed for a bike ride followed by a swim and a run. (besides, no one asked me to cook, and I know we are all thankful for that..) I am sorry to say that I did not get pictures of the Cultrual Hall decorated along with some of the bicycles that the youth and Primary had decorated for their parade.  I can not believe how many pancakes and packages of bacon Brian, Billy and Rob had made.  Wow!  They were cooking for hours.  :)  I will say.  The pancakes tasted pretty darn good.  The bacon... Gone in minutes. 

I think they made more pancakes that morning than I have in my whole life....

Rob just kept mixing, mixing and more mixing pancake mix. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Never Too Young To Work

There's our boy!  This picture was taken at 5:27 am.  Yes that's right AM.  Vincent has been (along with Brian and I) so blessed to be able to be employed this Summer.  Not only to be able to be employed but also employed by a Member of the Church.  Double Blessings..... Anyhow.  We are so proud of him and all of the hard (and not so hard) work he has been doing.  He has learned a lot not only about the Pool Industry but of work ethic in general.  There are some days that he is not in the best mood at 5am but I would have to say, he has done such a great job and been such a trooper.  He has enjoyed working, goofing off, jamming out to the radio, embarrassing his boss to no end and of course don't forget the money, money, money!   There are only two weeks left of summer.  The good thing, straight to school.  The sad thing for Vincent: oh here comes early morning Seminary.