After a wonderful time at the Temple and stopping for snacks I was on my way to Oceanside, CA for my cousins Wedding Reception.
And I know you are wondering why I am saying just I was on my way. Well, Brian, Vincent and Jacob along with the DV 1st Ward Youngmen left by 5:45am to float down the Salt River on a Treasure Hunt. With that being said. I was the only one able to go to the Reception. Brian, being the Wonderful husband that worries way too much made me take a friend.
So, snacks, cds, Ipods, and a google map in hand we headed off to Oceanside. Well, after hours and hours in the car and taking the scenic route (Thanks google maps! so not a fan) We finally reached our destination. I LUV my family. There is something to be said about the fact that I really only get to see them a couple times a year but the LUV I feel for and from them is overwhelming. Instantly I was jealous of not only the weather but the fact that my Aunt Leona can have beautiful Agapanthus growing abunduntly in her front yard and mine died two hours after I planted them..... Gotta luv the Arizona heat. I wanted so much to have flowers my Grandpa had in his nursey when I young. Oh well.... There is always the winter. :) My friend Stacy and I instantly changed, refreshed ourselves and started helping with the Reception decorations and okay a little bit with the food preparation. (yeah the "food tasting" was the best part).
The weather was beautiful and so incredibly comfortable. It was such a nice change from Phoenix for a day. The food was so WAY too yummy. I really did eat WAY too much. I thought it was great that I was sitting next to Matt Stinson and pretty much using him as an excuse to go back and get more food. It's always socialbly more acceptable for a guy to eat way more than a lady in a dress. Wow! I think I went back to refill my plate about 5 times. Hence the reason I will be getting on my bike tomorrow morning for at least an hour ride.
After a 5.5 hour drive there and a almost 5 hour stay Stacy and decided to get back on the road to the most desirable weather in Phoenix. NOT! It was probably time to leave since I had already bugged the crap out of my cousin Celine and telling all of the guests that her and Cameron were going to name their baby girl after me.... Ha.... Ha.. Ha.. I really was J/K. I would have to say that the road trip was so much fun. My neck hurt the next morning from laughing so hard. I miss my family already and can't wait to see them again.
Thank you AAron & Kaylee and Congratulations.....
This was Stacy's first time seeing the large bridge on the way to SD
These are my Aunt's beautiful Agapanthas that I so want and desire to have in my front yard. Forgive me for being lame and not knowing how to rotate a picture. I guess just tilt your head to the left?
My Cousins, Cameron and Celine. Is she just not so beautiful ? I would luv to look like her when pregnant. My cousin Cameron is pretty cute too.
If you ever visit my Aunt and Uncle. Be sure to not ask for an egg carton. Be sure to ask for the fresh eggs (large large chicken coup) that go in the egg carton....... LUV you Uncle Brian.....
Thank you so much Aaron and Kaylee. It was such a wonderful day. Thank you to my family who made Stacy feel right at home and to all of the wonderful helpers that put on such a lovely reception.