Sunday, July 25, 2010

Brian in the kitchen

Well not our kitchen.... Ha.  Ha.  Ha.  But nonetheless.  A kitchen and it was much larger than ours.  Our Activities Committee Chairman had asked Brian if he would help with the Pancake Breakfast at the Meeting House for the 4th of July. All of the Volunteers met at the Meeting house at 7:45am.  Me not so much.... I was actually headed for a bike ride followed by a swim and a run. (besides, no one asked me to cook, and I know we are all thankful for that..) I am sorry to say that I did not get pictures of the Cultrual Hall decorated along with some of the bicycles that the youth and Primary had decorated for their parade.  I can not believe how many pancakes and packages of bacon Brian, Billy and Rob had made.  Wow!  They were cooking for hours.  :)  I will say.  The pancakes tasted pretty darn good.  The bacon... Gone in minutes. 

I think they made more pancakes that morning than I have in my whole life....

Rob just kept mixing, mixing and more mixing pancake mix. 

1 comment:

Brianne said...

I want to thank Brian for all his help in the kitchen!! You all did amazing!! :) Get ready for the ward campout on Sept 17th & 18th-breafast burritos that time :)