Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's Football Season

As most of you know Vincent is now a Freshman at Sandra Day O'Conner High School.  He is enjoying it so far and has made many friends.  He has liked it so much that he decided to stay on the Freshman Football team.  Yes..... For those of you with your jaws to the ground, you may pick them up now.  He is 95 pounds now and 5.2".  My lil man is growing.  His postions are Corner back or Receiver.  Run, Vincent Run..... I'm dreading the day that someone tackles him...... Oh boy.  So far... good stories.  The first game of the "real" season is tomorrow... Here we go.  wish us luck! 

If you look really hard.  number 83 is our boy!


Tara said...

I dread the day that my boys can play football too! I'm not into full contact sports, although after baseball and basketball season I'm thinking that all sports are full contact around here!
BTW - did I notice a little announcement in the corner??? YIPEE and CONGRATS!!! So fun to keep up with you and your cute fam! Are you still off FB?? I just gave it up (again) too!

Laurel Baker said...

Way to go, Vincent! How fun that would be to watch him play! And CONGRATS TARA!!!! I didn't know until I saw it on your blog! How exciting!! I miss you so much!

Tara Nelson said...

Thanks girls... Well I will say Tara, it's not that bad. WHy? Becuase he doesn't get much playing time. :( He practices a ton but not that good to play in the games. Sadness moment for the mom in the stands.
Yes we are pregnant and so excited. I am hoping I start feeling better soon though...... :) No. We are off FB. I saw a documentary about it and the whole Big Brother watching and how FB is involved and I was getting way too caught up in it.