Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Two Weeks Away

I have spent the last two weeks in Santa Barbara.  I flew out of Phoenix on the 4th of September with 109 degrees outside and entered Santa Barbara 2 hours later with a nice chilling 59 degrees.  Mind you with a coastal breeze.  BBBBBRRRRR.  I was spending two weeks in Santa Barbara watching 3 children and an 8 month Boxer.  Really?  I couldn't complain.  I had a wonderful home to stay in, kids that find me humoreous and being in my home town. 
Week one of walking the children to school, driving all over town with activities and bedtime routines went well.  Atleast I thought.  Week two, not so well.  Morning sickness decided to stay along with fatigue, the poor kids were missing their parents more and more as I was missing lil man and my most adoring husband.  Whew.  Two weeks is a long time to be away from family. 
I am grateful for the time that I was able to spend time in "perfect" Santa Barbara.  But we all know..... it's awesome to stay in your own bed. 

Santa Barbara Shoreline..... So beautiful.

Having dinner with my dad.

 I am no good at taking picures with my camera on myself :(  Jealous of all of you who can.

My nephew Quentin.... He is the cutest!

My bro Matty Matt

My nephew Jacob, Bro Matthew, Sister Trina and her boyfriend Kevin

I'm going to miss his little smile.... :) 

A special Thank you to the Woods family for helping so much with my lil man while I was gone.  It was a great two weeks that was spent in Santa Barbara.  I miss the kids, my family and friends that I got to see while I was there.  Until next time.........

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Morning sickness! Congratulations!!!