Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another Year Older

Happy Late Birthday Post to Vincent. Vincent and I have had a tradition of going to Breakfast the morning of his birthday before school.  I finally found out this year that has always been secretly hoping to be extremley late for school due to breakfast.  This year I wasn't going to let bed rest stop me.  We got up early I realize that it was normal time for most of you, but for me it was 3 hours earlier than I had become acustomed to.  We usually go to IHOP either on State Street in SB or in Jordan Landing in WJ.  Unfortunatley there were no IHOP's in are area.  So...... As much as I didn't want to we went to Denny's.  Just to let you all know.  Vincent and his father Randy LUV Denny's.  Me.... Not so much... :(  But.... We did it.  He had what looked like every thing he could possibly think of from the menu.  Decided to eat rrreeeaaalllllyyyyyyyyyyy slow.... hhhhhhmmmmmmm Finally over an hour later we got him off to school.... Which I can't say is really too bad.  He was able to start the day with Seminary (LDS Religion class in HS) which he received more sugar and lots of attention.  I can't believe that my "lil man" is almost as tall as me and will be getting his driving permit in 6 months..... Yes, I am warning you all now.... Stay clear of PHX roads..... :)  But overall, we are so truly blessed to have such a great young man as Vincent in our lives.  He does keep us entertained and on our toes.  It is late..... but we LUV you Lil Man....

Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Shani said...

Oh WOW, I can't believe you have a 16 yr. old...and he's just about to pass you up? My soon to be 13 yr. old passed me up awhile ago :(