Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

After being away for two weeks all of us were excited that I made it home for Brian's Birthday!  We started the celebration with a surprise Birthday party for him on Sunday the 19th.  I delayed at the Airport while friends from our Ward helped Vincent put together the party.  We thought that we had everything covered?  Not so much.  But luckily with a lot of help from some certain friends they pulled things together for us.  Unfortunatley one of the things that I had forgotten was the camera :(. Thank you to all of you (and you know who you are) who brought not only food items, paper items, gifts, and helped us pull off a wonderful afternoon for Brian.  He was so happy. 

The next morning.  We went to breakfast (I am still not a fan of cooking.  The smell still gets to me) Had lunch with a friend and headed out to the mountains (kind of) to do some "shooting".  Brian and his friend seemed like little boys while I took a nap in the back seat of our car.  I know.. I am not exactly the best of fun on his birthday.  But I still get so incredilby tired being pregnant. 

Still no camera to be found :(  We went to dinner as a family.  Vincent pulled his normal "bathroom" trick which lead to the staff singing to Brian with a nice size Sundae and some balloons. 

Overall it was a great day and we were all so glad to spend it together. 

These are the cupcakes that I brought home with me from Santa Barbara.  You would not believe the help that was offered to me since I had these in my hand.  Brian's fav place is Whodidly in Montecito.  It's such a fun cupcake store.  They play total Disney type music and dress in tool skirts and big fun designs. 

Told you... Like little boys who just received their Hunters Safety permit.  Do you think they had enough? 

1 comment:

Lori Thompson said...

How FUN! My 11 year old and his daddy just took that same test and have already been shooting. Boys!