Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Court of Honor

Last night we had our first Court of Honor in quite some time for our Troop.  Why?  Well, hhhhhmmmmmm let's just say that Brian and I were called to be the Boy Scout Committee Chairman last January and well, to put it lightly?  We haven't done much.  Yes.... I actually admitted that I truly did stink at my calling. 
A friend of mine had a post a while back asking about her calling and is it wrong to question that calling?  To tell you the truth I honestly thought that this calling would be taken over by Brian  (we were called together, before he became a member) and that way I would just have to support and not really do anything.  Well..... as time passes on, I maybe went to a couple meetings and had some good ideas but never really did anything about it.  Then.... I became pregnant.  A calling when you are pregnant?  I mean really come on?  I couldn't even get out of bed let alone help these Scouts with anything.  This whole time I have found excuses and questioned my calling.  Mind you Brian is still working nights and therefore really can't help out during the week. 
As time has gone on, reading my friends blog post again, starting the Temple classes, and actually trying hard to do my daily reading BAM! I realized that I guess I am suppose to be doing this?  And should really be grateful.
With some help from our Scout Master (YOU ROCK!) and yes...... my husband (made the refreshments with our Scout Master), (moral support from a couple whom seem to light up the room and give you support no matter what you are doing!) The Scout Master and I pulled off, I would say a very successful Court of Honor.  I have since two weeks ago, learned so much about my calling and I have enjoyed it.  I am by all means not saying it is easy but I don't think that there is any calling out there that is?  Okay..... but really if there is?  Someone dial me in :) 
As we were cleaning up and getting things ready to leave,  one of the Bishopric members asked me if I was overwhelmed?  Okay, talk about humility and gratefulness at the same time.  I was so embarrassed for doing such a horrible job before that now there is no way I could say yes.  Becuase really?  I am not overwhelmed.  To see those boys up there with the Scout Leaders being presented with their hard earned Merit Badges was such a joy. 
I am happy to say that I am happy to be the Deer Valley 1st Ward Boy Scout Committe Chair person.  I can't wait until January for our next Court of Honor and to see all of the joy on those boys' faces. 

Our Scout Master with one of our boys earning advancement. 

The boys so intenet with what their leader has to say!
I am sorry to say that I didn't get any pics of lil man with his 15 Merit Badges (yes, as my friend Tara says, bragging is needed a little bit every now and then) becuase I was up there with him.  Next time I will try to remember to give the camera to another parent. 


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