Friday, October 1, 2010

We're having.........

YUP!  That's it.  Well we are hoping at least.  We went to the Dr. yesterday for an NT.  It is a test most given to woman past 35 in age or whom are High Risk.  But then again, there are the woman who get to have the 45 minute Ultra Sound because they have wonderful Insurance Coverage without either of the two above. 
Now, the Ultra Sounds primary duty is to look at the baby and note if we are having a baby with special needs.  (chances are higher with age over 35) After laying on the table and looking at the 42" TV watching our baby move like she was Mary Lou Retton in my stomach we waited for the "specialist" to analyze our data.  It was a different experience.  She (the specialist) proceeded to tell us about our high risk of having a Down Syndrome baby.  Brian and I are perfectly okay the baby with are blessed with and its normalities and abnormalities.  But????...... How, really?, how do you emphasize that to someone who can not comprehend our concept?  After we were fine with our odds she proceeded to as Brian put it "sale us" on 4 different tests.  We then had to "Sale" her on the fact that no matter what we are having this little creation that our Heavenly Father so blessed us with.  Which is........ A little girl.  Our Ultra Sound Technician (really don't know her real title) said with her experience, and as long as she has been doing this, she would say it is a girl.  Now.  She was quick to tell us to not start picking out paint for our little ones bedroom yet.  So, for 100% accuracy we do need to wait until next month for our normal Ultra Sound with Dr. Nelson.  Yes, our Dr.'s last name is Nelson....  As for now, I am going with the 3-D ultra sound (Brian wanted me to add it to this post but I think it's a bit much unless you have already seen what one looks like) that looks like a little girl.  Either way, we are all so incredibly excited for this blessing in our lives that is estimated to arrive next April.   


Brianne said...

Yahoo! I really do hope it's a girl! Glad everything looks good; )

Tara said...

SWEEEEEEET!!! I'm afraid this little girl is going to be spoiled rotten! And you get to decorate everything with PINK - super fun stuff!!! Risks may increase, but so does the JOY and blessings that this little spirit will bring into your home! Good luck - I can't wait for your Easter surprise to arrive!

Celine said...

Yay for little girls!! I'm so excited for you! And thanks again for coming to the baby shower last weekend. It was great to see you and Brian and I'm glad we got to hang out afterwards as well :)

Lori Thompson said...

How exciting! So, so happy for you guys!!!

Shani said...

What a wonderful blessing!! Congrats to all of you, this is so exciting!! :)

Laurel Baker said...

AAHHH, Tara, that is so awesome!! I am soooo happy for you! I can only imagine how fun a girl would be! Maybe someday! :) I hope your next ultra sound visit isn't so awkward!