Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brian BIG Heart

On Monday the 2nd of April Brian ended up having to be admitted to the hospital.  I pretty much forced him to go to the ER. (he wouldn't let me take him) His heart beat was 185.  That is just a little out of the ordinary we will say. 
I called my brother on the way to the hospital.... Pretty much told him he can never come back to visit.... Seeing how the last time Brian was admitted into the hospital was when my Brother was visiting. 
It was all just a distraction for me... When your luvd one has heart problems it really makes you stop and think..... I entered the Emergency room and asked to be taken to my husband.  The EMT (?) escorted me upstairs and pointed to two gentlemen.  I looked at her and said "ah, I'm looking for my husband, Brian Nelson, biggger guy, tattoos, heart problems." "Oh, that guy, we had to stop his heart, he is down stairs."
OKAY REALLY, who trains these people...... I had all I could do to just look at her and smile. Calmly asked me to take her back down there.
This is what I was escorted to:

Brian can't stand this picture but I am posting it anyhow..... :)
They ended up having to "restart" his heart twice... Yes, no joke.  They gave him medicine twice that stopped and restarted his heart. 
He was discharged that night and all has been well since? 

Of course he is now required to stop drinking so much soda, start yoga and meditation and well excerise.  Even though all of those things are so hard for him to do with the Sarcoid and MS....

We will keep you updated with his prognosis as he has an appt with the Cardiologist next week :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Oh that guy- we had to stop his heart"..... WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????!!

Sending lots of happy, healthy prayers your way. Can't wait to see you all next month.

xoxo Sassy