Monday, September 26, 2011

Too much Juice for Hercules

Remember that Brian started another dose of steriods.  Starting on Monday the 19th we went to the VA Hospital.  They issued him with an IV that would stay in for the next three days.  Amanda and I waited in the waiting room for the next hour half. :(  Finally Brian was ready to go home. 
Feeling good, we assumed everything would go the same on Tuesday and Wednesday and hopefully we will see results from this dose. 
Not so much!  Around mignight (Brian's offical Birthday) Brian woke me up with "Babe, it's time to go to the hospital". How the roles have reversed.  He waited 9 months for me to tell him that.  Now, I kind of dread that sentence.  We checked in around 12:30am with a blood sugar count of 400.  YIKES!  After several hours of insulin and some hydrating IV's we were able to go home. 
Happy to say that Tuesday and Wednesday's injections went just fine.  We are even more happy to receive the news that Brian is not diabetic.  What a relief.  This week life is back to normal, for what normal can be around here.... :)
We now are just awaiting the next set of MRI's that are being ordered from Dr. Okuda. 

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