Sunday, December 11, 2011

Meeting Santa

Brian and I went to Walmart to grab a couple of items for the week.  Little did we know we were in for such a treat that day.  Not only did Amanda and Brian get to meet my Instructor Jenn from school but Mr. Kris Krinkle himself was there.... Yes, that is right... Amanda had the opportunity to meet Santa Claus.  It was rather funny and embarrassing.... Our poor little girl was dressed in her "Mummy's Little Pumpkin" outfit... Yes, I still have my daughter wear her halloween clothes since they fit her.  I had no idea that she would get the opportunity to meet Santa......
A quick run to the children's department to find a clearance outfit that does not look like our daughter is ready to go Trick or Treating. 

And BAM!!!!!!! a new outfit and a great 1st picture with Santa.

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