Sunday, December 11, 2011

One in a Million

On November 15 Brian spent the night at the Hospital.  He entered that night to have a sleep study done.  Needless to say, as we suspected; he does have sleep apnea.  So, with a machine attached to his face that night, he slept like a baby.  The first time in a very, very long time. Me on the other hand???  Well this Blog post is not about me.  :)

The next morning we awoke and ventured down 3 floors.  That morning Brian was reammitted for a biopsy in his lungs.  They found two large mass in his lungs last month.  Which explains, the coughing and not being able to breathe.  It has come to the point where he can not complete a sentence without having to catch his breathe. 

We have now been informed that the two large mass that is in Brian's lungs is not a tumor.  What we have come to know is that Brian, My most wonderful husband is one in a million.  That's right.  Not only has he been diagnosed with MS but now has also been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis.  What is that?  Well, it is another auto immune disease.  Brian is 1 of 21 people in this country that has been diagnosed MS and Sarciodosis.  I told him, when he goes, he goes BIG! 

Brian now has been on oral steriods for 4 days now.  He will be taking them for 6 weeks.  We will then find out if the steriods are working.  If they are working at making the mass smaller he will continue the oral steriods.  If not, Brian will then be sent to LA or SF to start treatment there.  In both places they have Sarcoidosis specialists that will be able to help him.  We are so thrilled we get to spend Christmas together.  We will keep you all updated. 

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. 

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