Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Seven and half months later

As most of you know I decided to go back to school last May.  Yes, that's right I am a litle crazy trying to accomplish this right after having Amanda.  Well at the time, that was my thought.  As time went on, it was easier to attend school, pump twice a day while at school, get up in the middle of the night with Amanda and of course maintain my mom and wife duties.  I would say that by the middle of July I had this down... I could do this....... Right, and then Brian got sick.  I remember several people asking me if I was going to drop out, take a leave of absense or attend night school.  First question was a for sure NO, second hadn't really thought about it and third.... NO WAY.  I was not going to add another 3 months to my schooling. 
After missing more than a week and half of school and clinic I was ready to leave Brian and Amanda and head back to school. 
From August to December seemed like the longest four months of my life.  I was still pumping at school, getting up with Amanda and Brian and trying to maintain normal life for Vincent.  I will now, finally admit that there were days that I wanted to give up and say to myself I could accomplish this later in life. 
I have to thank my support system.  Even though Brian is sick he still encouraged me and cheered me on.  Along with Vincent trying to help me develop study habits that I was well out of practice.
There are many of you that helped with watching Amanda during the day as Brian's disease progressed and I could no longer miss 2-3 days of school a week.  We are so grateful for you in our lives. 
It has been a dream of mine to become an Esthetician and now I can say that I am..... in one more month I will be taking my State Board exams and then of course employment.  I can't wait.....

Yes, that is me by the flag :)

Me, Mallory, Jenn (our Instructor) her son
and Amanda...

My Supporters

Amanda was so interested in Vincent
at dinner

My Luv...... Thank you for pushing
me and helping me accomplish my dream!


Laurel Baker said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That was not an easy road and you made it through! Way to go, Tara! I hope your board exams go well for you! Merry Christmas to your family!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a little late reading this, but I want you to know how very PROUD I am of you! Sending lots of love to the Nelson Family. xoxo Sassy